Tuesday, October 22, 2013

7 quick fixes every marketer needs to know about

7 "Quick Fixes" Every Marketer Needs To Know About

When your profits begin a downhill slide or just seem at a stalemate, you scratch your head and ask a thousand times, "What am I doing wrong?" Well, the truth is that you may not be doing anything "wrong", but there may be some things you could do to bring about a change.

niche markets, unique selling proposition, advertise

When your profits begin a downhill slide or just seem at a stalemate, you scratch your head and ask a thousand times, "What am I doing wrong?" Well, the truth is that you may not be doing anything "wrong", but there may be some things you could do to bring about a change. The next time you're up against a brick wall, try implementing these techniques into your marketing campaign, and watch those blues disappear!

1. Change Your Advertising Focus
Hey, everyone is a prospective customer, but let's face it... not everyone is interested in what you have to offer. Why waste advertising dollars on those who don't even pay attention?

Find your niche. Identify the audience with the greatest need for what you have, and learn all you can about them. Become a specialist who knows what they need, and advertise directly to them. You're customer conversion rate will soar!

2. Be Unique.
There are plenty of copy cat marketers out there trying to mimic the success of those around them. Somet


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